funcom 2000 Presskit
000721_1312 (fun.com).iso
00022_Script_Slider Button behavior
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Text File
268 lines
-- Slider Button behavior
-- This behavior constrains the motion of a button along a
-- vertical or horizontal track to simulate a sliding
-- button. The button outputs a value between 0 and 100
-- depending on its position.
-- You attach this behavior to a slider sprite.
-- David Benman 11/97
-- pCurrentSprite - This behavior's sprite number
-- pSliderName - The slider's cast member name. This
-- behavior uses the name to uniquely identify its messages
-- to other behaviors.
-- pTrackOrientation - The direction of the track,
-- vertical or horizontal
-- pTrackSprite - The track's sprite number
-- pTrackLength - The length in pixel's of the track
-- pTrackLowerLimit - The stage location of the lower limit
-- of the track and the slider's motion
-- pLastClicked - The last sprite clicked
property pCurrentSprite, pSliderName, pTrackOrientation, pTrackSprite, pTrackLength, pTrackLowerLimit, pLastClicked
-- This handler sets the limits for the indicator's
-- movement on the screen
on beginSprite me
-- Determines the number and member name of the
-- behavior's sprite
set pCurrentSprite to the spriteNum of me
set currentMember to the member of sprite pCurrentSprite
set pSliderName to the name of member currentMember
-- Sets the track sprite to be the sprite in the score
-- directly above the behavior's sprite
set pTrackSprite to pCurrentSprite - 1
-- Creates a frame of reference for the slider including
-- its orientation, length and its lower limit of
-- movement.
set trackWidth to the width of sprite pTrackSprite
set trackHeight to the height of sprite pTrackSprite
if trackWidth > trackHeight then
set pTrackOrientation to #horizontal
set pTrackLength to trackWidth
set pTrackLowerLimit to the left of sprite pTrackSprite
set pTrackOrientation to #vertical
set pTrackLength to trackHeight
set pTrackLowerLimit to the top of sprite pTrackSprite
end if
set pLastClicked to 0
-- This handler indicates you clicked the behavior's
-- sprite.
on mouseDown me
set pLastClicked to the spriteNum of me
-- This handler indicates you have released the behavior's
-- sprite.
on mouseUp me
set pLastClicked to 0
-- This handler indicates you have released the behavior's
-- sprite.
on mouseUpOutside me
set pLastClicked to 0
-- This handler continuously moves the slider to match the
-- mouse's position when you drag the slider.
on prepareFrame me
-- Move the slider when you hold down the mouse button
-- and the slider is the last item you clicked.
if the mouseDown AND pLastClicked = pCurrentSprite then
if pTrackOrientation = #horizontal then
slideButton(me, the mouseH)
slideButton(me, the mouseV)
end if
end if
-- This handler moves the slider and sends a message
-- to all the sprites in the frame.
on slideButton me, newLoc
global employee
set currentSprite to the spriteNum of me
-- Moves the slider to a new location limited by
-- the dimensions of the track
if pTrackOrientation = #vertical then
set newLoc to constrainV(pTrackSprite, newLoc)
set the locV of sprite currentSprite to newLoc
set newLoc to constrainH(pTrackSprite, newLoc)
set the locH of sprite currentSprite to newLoc
end if
-- Creates a value between 0 and 100 representing the
-- slider's new position
set relativePosition to float(newLoc - pTrackLowerLimit)
set ratio to relativePosition/pTrackLength * 100
--creates employee track
set employee to integer(ratio*1.2)
repeat with i = 110 to (employee+110)
set the visible of sprite (i) to 1
end repeat
repeat with i = (employee+110) to 240
set the visible of sprite (i) to 0
end repeat
-- --tells wich games where published
-- if employee<12 then
-- put "1993" into member ("┼r")
-- put "None" into member ("Spill")
-- end if
-- if employee>12 and employee < 27 then
-- put "1994" into member ("┼r")
-- put "Daze Before Christmas and A Dinosaurs Tale" into member ("Spill")
-- end if
-- if employee>27 and employee < 43 then
-- put "1995" into member ("┼r")
-- put "Casper, Dragonheart, Fatal Fury, Nightmare Circus, Pocahontas and Samurai Shodown " into member ("Spill")
-- end if
-- if employee>43 and employee < 59 then
-- put "1996" into member ("┼r")
-- put "NBA Hangtime, Impact Racing and Wintergold " into member ("Spill")
-- end if
-- if employee>59 and employee < 75 then
-- put "1997" into member ("┼r")
-- put "Deadly Skies" into member ("Spill")
-- end if
-- if employee>75 and employee < 90 then
-- put "1998" into member ("┼r")
-- put "None" into member ("Spill")
-- end if
-- if employee>90 and employee < 106 then
-- put "1999" into member ("┼r")
-- put "Championship Motocross, Speed Freaks and The Longest Journey (No, Se, Fr)" into member ("Spill")
-- end if
-- if employee>106 and employee < 120 then
-- put "2000" into member ("┼r")
-- put "The Longest Journey (Eng, Ger)" into member ("Spill")
-- end if
--tells wich games where published
if employee<12 then
put "1993" into member ("┼r")
set the visible of sprite 55 to 1
set the visible of sprite 56 to 0
set the visible of sprite 57 to 0
set the visible of sprite 58 to 0
set the visible of sprite 59 to 0
set the visible of sprite 60 to 0
set the visible of sprite 61 to 0
set the visible of sprite 62 to 0
end if
if employee>12 and employee < 27 then
put "1994" into member ("┼r")
set the visible of sprite 55 to 0
set the visible of sprite 56 to 1
set the visible of sprite 57 to 0
set the visible of sprite 58 to 0
set the visible of sprite 59 to 0
set the visible of sprite 60 to 0
set the visible of sprite 61 to 0
set the visible of sprite 62 to 0
end if
if employee>27 and employee < 43 then
put "1995" into member ("┼r")
set the visible of sprite 55 to 0
set the visible of sprite 56 to 0
set the visible of sprite 57 to 1
set the visible of sprite 58 to 0
set the visible of sprite 59 to 0
set the visible of sprite 60 to 0
set the visible of sprite 61 to 0
set the visible of sprite 62 to 0
end if
if employee>43 and employee < 59 then
put "1996" into member ("┼r")
set the visible of sprite 55 to 0
set the visible of sprite 56 to 0
set the visible of sprite 57 to 0
set the visible of sprite 58 to 1
set the visible of sprite 59 to 0
set the visible of sprite 60 to 0
set the visible of sprite 61 to 0
set the visible of sprite 62 to 0
end if
if employee>59 and employee < 75 then
put "1997" into member ("┼r")
set the visible of sprite 55 to 0
set the visible of sprite 56 to 0
set the visible of sprite 57 to 0
set the visible of sprite 58 to 0
set the visible of sprite 59 to 1
set the visible of sprite 60 to 0
set the visible of sprite 61 to 0
set the visible of sprite 62 to 0
end if
if employee>75 and employee < 90 then
put "1998" into member ("┼r")
set the visible of sprite 55 to 0
set the visible of sprite 56 to 0
set the visible of sprite 57 to 0
set the visible of sprite 58 to 0
set the visible of sprite 59 to 0
set the visible of sprite 60 to 1
set the visible of sprite 61 to 0
set the visible of sprite 62 to 0
end if
if employee>90 and employee < 106 then
put "1999" into member ("┼r")
set the visible of sprite 55 to 0
set the visible of sprite 56 to 0
set the visible of sprite 57 to 0
set the visible of sprite 58 to 0
set the visible of sprite 59 to 0
set the visible of sprite 60 to 0
set the visible of sprite 61 to 1
set the visible of sprite 62 to 0
end if
if employee>106 and employee < 120 then
put "2000" into member ("┼r")
set the visible of sprite 55 to 0
set the visible of sprite 56 to 0
set the visible of sprite 57 to 0
set the visible of sprite 58 to 0
set the visible of sprite 59 to 0
set the visible of sprite 60 to 0
set the visible of sprite 61 to 0
set the visible of sprite 62 to 1
end if
-- Tells the other sprites the slider has moved and
-- its new position in the form of a ratio
sendAllSprites(#sliderMove, pSliderName, ratio)